This past weekend Cornell University
hosted the Annual Eastern Seaboard Quantum Physics Consortium. The event, attended
by hundreds of physicists studying Quantum Mechanics and Astro-Physics, was the stage of a shocking revelation.
his opening remarks, Professor Steve Holtz declared to a crowd of 700 that most
of Quantum Mechanics is “make believe”.
Holtz, who graduated from Cornell in 1967 with a degree
in physics, told the audience he may have well majored in “dreams or imagination”.
several reporters why most of Quantum Mechanics is “Make believe”, Professor
Holtz stated that physics is “kinda hard” and that “its easier to put on a lab
coat and make things up rather then doing actual research”. Professor Holtz
later told the audience that “research takes a very long time” and
“angry birds is way more fun”.
“Hadron Collider Ion Manipulation” , Holtz stated that the only reason he went
through with the experiment was because he thoroughly enjoyed watching “shiny lights”.