tagged seniors »

Article by loganor
April 26, 2012

Studying for Finals: I don’t .gif a Sh*t

It’s time for the last adderall binge push. One more round of finals season, and my 16 years of taking tests and writing papers will be over. After 16 years of schoolwork – yes I’m including elementary school, because multiplication tables were fucking hard – I should have finals studying down to a science. Honestly,... MORE »

Article by Lia Woodward
April 26, 2012

Research finds “Commencement” is no longer a terminal illness

The class of 2012 and all its friends can breath a collective sigh of relief about at least one thing as May 11th approaches, thanks to some timely research conducted by the University of Southern California. According to chief researchers, 98% of the student body was under the impression that Commencement,  or “graduation”  in dirty... MORE »

Article by Lia Woodward
December 4, 2011

Week in Review: Time waits for no News

Your second best source for the week’s Daily Trojan Headlines Greek groups focus on new member integration Mainly because Greek organizations would like to start a tradition of having special activities that are just for new members for about one semester before they get to officially join, because that’s a fresh new idea. “Sweet Tenor”:... MORE »

Article by apost
August 25, 2011

Senior Year Struggles

I am a senior HD major and was trying to get my NYTimes out of those crazy contraptions and got my backpack stuck in it when it closed #senioryearstruggles If you are a senior, a super senior or wish you were a senior, please reply to this with your very own #seniorstruggles or #senioryearstruggles….. MORE »

Article by Rud
April 24, 2011

Year Ending; Seniors Refuse to Leave

Forget freshmen overcrowding causing an SU housing crisis; we have bigger problems on our hands. Syracuse University’s senior class has made a collective decision to stay at Syracuse as long as they can. “At first I was all excited to leave..and by at first, I mean when I was like a sophomore. But then I realized... MORE »

Article by Lia Woodward
April 7, 2011

Senior Citizens’ Choice Awards come to USC

Last weekend campus was all abuzz about everyone’s favorite awards show being hosted at our very own campus. The festivities took about a week to construct, drawing a lot of attention from passerby. “I think it’s every kid’s dream to someday receive one of those knitted sock trophies,” says Gordon Fern, sophomore. “I mean, the... MORE »

Article by Homegrizzown
March 4, 2011

As Gender of Mascot Victoria S. Bull Put into Question, Victor S. Bull Remains in Denial of Wrongdoing

During an emotional senior night at the University at Buffalo’s Alumni Arena, a bittersweet victory over Miami (of Ohio, not the REAL Miami) seemed in some sort lacking.  It could have been from the recent movement towards the upheaval of Middle Eastern dictators, or the recent heroin busts throughout the city, causing extreme anxiety for... MORE »

Article by Brian W
March 1, 2011

Senioritis Bucket List and Other College Candy Favs

The Senioritis Bucket List  https://collegecandy.com/2011/02/24/the-senioritis-bucket-list/ What’s the Best Recipe for Jungle Juice?  https://collegecandy.com/2011/02/26/whats-the-best-recipe-for-jungle-juice/  Grossest Things College Kids Willingly Drink https://collegecandy.com/2011/02/27/grossest-things-college-kids-willingly-drink/ How to Pack Light for Spring Break  https://collegecandy.com/2011/02/28/how-to-pack-light-for-spring-break/ Surviving Senior Year: The Pre-Post-Grad Crisis  https://collegecandy.com/2011/02/28/surviving-senior-year-the-pre-post-grad-crisis/ Stay Healthy on Spring Break https://collegecandy.com/2011/02/24/stay-healthy-on-spring-break/ MORE »

Article by Piliour
September 2, 2010

5 Things To Do Senior Year

Skip A Week of Class ““ You’re a senior now. Why not? It’s not like you won’t graduate. Unless you actually don’t graduate, but let’s be honest: if missing a week of class affects your graduation, you probably weren’t in the best academic standing to begin with. In which case, what’s another week going to... MORE »