Alex Rosenthal: My New Year’s resolution is to continue to not eat babies. And getting a job would be nice too.
Alex Piliouras: My New Year’s resolution is to devote 2011 to coming up with a New Year’s resolution for 2012. Which won’t be necessary unless John Cusack can save the world from destruction…
APost: My New Years resolution is to work on my spelling and stop smoking so much weed with my gurl Miley and telling her it’s salvia.

Brian W: ThIjs Yrar I Paln on nrOT TEXTgin while bedruNK!@@@##

redgreenblue: My new year’s resolution is to start charging my friends and other people by the hour for hanging out with me because a) I’m really broke and b) I want to put my natural talents of witty banter and small dog barking imitations to good use. I also wanna buy a bunny off of craigslist and name it Rick Ross.
Ian Smith: My New Year’s resolution is to move out of my mom’s CampusBasement and move into my own CampusApartment.

Samii Ruddy: My New Year’s Resolution is to cut down on how many Four Lokos I drink before class…oh wait.

eeeeeeeee2: Increase intake of vitamins A and C, exercise more, and stop equating my life goals to Pinkie and the Brains’ plots to take over the word.

Sheldon: My new years resolution is to finally eliminate The Black Eyed Peas and solve world hunger (tell, no one).

What’s Yours!?