As the Spring Welcome begins to wind down, the academic faculty here at Syracuse University sent letters to prospective Class of 2016 students. Here they are, for your viewing pleasures:

To the Class of 2016,
We are very excited to have you become part of our community. We hope that our Liberal Arts core will be a beneficial experience, and you find yourselves immersed within our variety of courses. As your first semester approaches, we do have one major request to our prospective freshmen:


We understand. A liberal arts degree isn’t going to help you get a job. We know Astronomy is an absurd class. You’re right, you won’t ever use that REL107 course in real life. But damn it, you’re going to take it, and you’re going to LIKE IT.

Our inboxes and voicemails are filled with requests for intra-university transfers to the Newhouse School of Communications. Yes, you ARE an aspiring journalist. Congratulations, you and the other 70% of College of Arts and Science students. Please be aware that there are actually students applying to our school who’d actually want a degree in Musical History! And we would like to take their money!
If you are interested in applying to Newhouse, and you were rejected, please do not use College of Arts and Science as your rebound. We are tired of being the safety school IN your safety school.
College of Arts and Sciences
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    LC Smith School of Engineering Letter to Accepted Class of 2016,
    雪城和美国欢迎您! 所以,我们要接管自己的国家,大家听好了仔细。 这个其余的将只是没有。我不认为读者实际上将转化。如果你没有孩子,感谢您阅读我的文章。这对我意味着很多。给我你的电话号码,如果你到我身边。如果没有,没关系。我会找到你。 滑板鬼忍者龟狗。 我要去复制并粘贴到其他文本块。充满我们的收件箱和语音邮件与电子邮件,要求内壁画转移到通信豪斯学院。是的,你是一个有抱负的记者。恭喜你,你和其他学院的艺术和科学的学生百分之七十。请注意,其实是有申请我们学校的学生,我其实想在音乐史上的程度!和我们想借他们的钱! 如果你有兴趣申请到纽豪斯,你被拒绝,请不要使用艺术与科学学院的反弹。我们已经厌倦了在您的安全,学校安全学校。 Sincerely, LC Smith College of Engineering
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    Newhouse Letter to College of Arts and Science Accepted Class of 2016
    To the College of Arts and Science Class of 2016, Hahaha, we’re better than you. Sincerely, Newhouse School of Communications PS: NEWHOUSE RULES
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    College of Arts and Science Letter to Accepted Class of 2016 Students
    To the Class of 2016, We are very excited to have you become part of our community. We hope that our Liberal Arts core will be a beneficial experience, and you find yourselves immersed within our variety of courses. As your first semester approaches, we do have one major request to our prospective freshmen: PLEASE STOP USING US TO GET INTO NEWHOUSE. We understand. A liberal arts degree isn’t going to help you get a job. We know Astronomy is an absurd class. You’re right, you won’t ever use that REL107 course in real life. But damn it, you’re going to take it, and you’re going to LIKE IT. Our inboxes and voicemails are filled with requests for intra-university transfers to the Newhouse School of Communications. Yes, you ARE an aspiring journalist. Congratulations, you and the other 70% of College of Arts and Science students. Please be aware that there are actually students applying to our school who’d actually want a degree in Musical History! And we would like to take their money! If you are interested in applying to Newhouse, and you were rejected, please do not use College of Arts and Science as your rebound. We are tired of being the safety school IN your safety school. Sincerely, College of Arts and Sciences