Jim Boeheim is Chuck Norris’ role model. It’s true. And to prove it, here are some facts about Jimmy B:

1. Jim Boeheim invented the Internet.

2. Jim Boeheim is a Mac and a PC.

3. Jim Boeheim can get from Marshall Street to Archbold Gymnasium in under 3 minutes.

4. Jim Boeheim can get into Carnegie Library by walking up the front stairs.

5. Jim Boeheim wears a backpack when he shops at Schine Bookstore.

6. Jim Boeheim doesn’t have to show his SU ID card when going into a dormitory after 8 PM.

7. Jim Boeheim doesn’t have to wear a wristband in the student section of basketball games.

8. Jim Boeheim substitutes Four Loko for coffee.