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tagged rush »
How to Get By During Rush
With students returning to school frantic for a good time (we all know Christmas Vacation gets quite boring), the commencement of fraternity rush stomps all over the fun WashU students are supposed to be having at the beginning of a new semester. While the workload is still manageable enough for students to explore hedonistic exploits... MORE »
Disclaimer: The frat you join in no way reflects your sexual orientation. Unless you’re a GDI in which case you are most definitely “a gay.” MORE »
DO’s and DON’Ts of Sorority Recruitment 2012
Get ready to laugh, cry, and eat your heart out. It’s RECRUITMENT 2012!!! With over 360 PNMs (potential new members) all signed up to come back to WUSTL in early January for rushy rush rush, I thought I could offer up some helpful advice. Listen up Ladies of 2015: DO’s and DON’Ts of RECRUTIMENT 2012... MORE »
Hazed and Confused V: Frat Magic
Our first hazing story of the year! Hooray for fraternity hazing! Oh, wait. Not hooray… Dear Campus Basement:What you are about to hear is disturbing and is not approved for mature audiences. So please, if you’re mature, don’t read this.My hazing started out simply enough, with a *** (frat letters omitted here) tradition: carving a... MORE »
With Rush kick-off around the corner, students prepare in various ways
I’m not going outside, at least not on bid day. That’s what it’s called, right? The one with the screaming girls running around campus? Senior Anthony Pantene notes his reluctance to go anywhere near Greek row as this weekend, as Rush kick off starts Friday. “I am SO excited! I just cannot wait to see... MORE »
Rush Week 2011 – Boys Edition
With the Spring semester rapidly approaching, this means one things for bros at Cornell – rush week is in a little over a week. Even for fraternity brothers like myself it is akin to a week of Christmases, but for the rushees it is even better. In possibly the most glorious week of the... MORE »
Rush 2010 | Float Your Boat
It’s rush time, do you have what it takes? MORE »
Alpha Phi Pledge Class Named Becky
The entire Alpha Phi Pledge class of 2011 is named Becky. Shrieks echoed through Walnut Park as girl after girl yelled, “Wait, NO. WAY! My name is Becky!” followed swiftly by, “OH MY GOD!” “This is, like, totally unprecedented,” said Becky Thurgood, a freshman from Pasadena, California. “I’ve never met so many Beckys before!” “I... MORE »