tagged love »

Article by Leah Folta
February 14, 2011

Freshman falls head over heels; is seriously injured

Freshman Katie Yamoor fell hard yesterday (down a flight of stairs) with her then-boyfriend, who was relatively unharmed. Her injuries are not fatal, but many speculate there will be some walls up (around the stairs) in the future to prevent a reoccurrence. “He was the kind of guy who played games,” a friend of Yamoor’s... MORE »

Article by Leah Folta
December 16, 2010

How to Hide Your Crazy From that Guy You Like

So you’re crazy. It’s OK! Unfortunately, you’re not that irresistible crazy/hot combo or you’d already be rolling in codependent relationships, crushing any soul naïve enough to open itself to you, and getting your tongue ring all up in whoever’s mouth you please. These suggestions, if followed, can save you some time before you too can... MORE »

Article by Frank
July 7, 2010

The 5 Stages of an SU Relationship

1. Casual Dating 2. Serious Dating 3. Engagement 4. Marriage 5. When your friends begin referring to the significant other by his or her real name MORE »

Article by Leah Folta
December 31, 1969

Survey says: 96% of women’s friends “could do so much better”

When polled randomly about their heterosexual lady-friends’ objects of affection, 96% of female students claimed a decisive “she could do so much better!” Follow up quotes from those surveyed were illuminating about the reasons why: “I tell her she could do so much better every day,” one freshman says sadly. “In a world with, like,... MORE »