If theres one thing that has changed in me since coming to college (especially a D1 school), it is my appreciation for college sports, and further more, basketball. College basketball has probably been the highlight of my freshman year so far. March Madness is going to be insane. In celebration of this glorious month its going to be mixtape city for the next 4 weeks.

This weeks mix tape is Pandamonium by The White Panda, a 50 track tape that highlights the best of The White Panda’s talent. Dont be fooled by the quanitity on the tape though, each song only lasts about 2 minutes max but each song is packed with some serious shit. Theyre absolutely one of my favorite mashup groups and Im super jealous of University of Deleware whos getting them for their “Block Party”, but im certainly not complaining about Mr. Cudi.
So enjoy this round, see you next friday