The Challenge: The life of a student is full of stress. Boredom, isolation, exams, relationship and finances are common causes of stress in a student.

The Science: Despite the hectic schedule and busy life, there are many ways that students can fight stress and relax.

The Solution: Here are simple ways and tips that can help every student cope up and manage the daily stress in school.

Exams, homesickness, peer pressure, finances, these are the common causes of stress in the life of a student. Stress is an evitable part of life.

You’re stressed when you’re a child because you didn’t get the toy that you want. During high school, you were stressed with examinations, seeing your crush, or perhaps you were stressed with your friends, who insisted you join them in drinking and have a few hits of marijuana.

Now in college, life hasn’t changed. You’re still the same person feeling anxious every time the exam period comes, or when your teacher asks you to give the answer when you didn’t do your assignment.

You realized that college life has given you even more and bigger stress than you had in high school. Living alone, away from your parents, you feel isolated. You are often bored, sad, and pressured.

If you are stressed right now, you are not alone. A study in 2013 by the Nightline Association discovered that 65 percent of students are stressed. By this fact alone, we would know that stress is very common among the students.

It would be better if we would know the real meaning of stress. Stress is the body’s ability to cope up with a challenge. Dr. Paul Blenkiron, an NHS consultant psychiatrist said that stress exists when we couldn’t cope up with the demand that is given to us.

Each person responds to each circumstance differently. What could be stressful for you, may not be stressful for me.

So, if you’re a student, and you feel that you’re beginning to feel that you couldn’t take it anymore, check out these 4 ways to a stress-free life:

  1. Manage your time. Most students are stressed when they have loads of things to do and they don’t have enough time to complete it. Often times, they would miss reports or assignments, or they would even fail to study for an exam because they don’t have enough time. The easy way to do prevent this is to make a work/ study schedule. List own all the things that you need to do daily. Mark important tasks to avoid forgetting it. Segregate important from unimportant as well as urgent from not urgent tasks.
  2. Talk to a friend. Some students live far away from their families. To avoid feeling isolated and depressed while pursuing your college in a university, learn to socialize with the right crowd from time to time. Research proves that going out with a friend can lift moods and reduce stress.
  3. Exercise. Exercise is a very good way to relieve stress. It is because exercise releases feel-good hormones called endorphins. It helps the mind to concentrate on the important things than stress. Exercise also helps to get rid of tension, so it relaxes both the body and mind.
  4. Mindfulness. You can practice deep breathing techniques to relax and reduce stress levels. This practice is known to enhance a person’s physical and mental state.


Michelle Johnson loves writing and helping people live a happy and stress-free life. She’s promoting positivity and recovery against any addictions such as abuse of prescription drugs. Aside from work, I love adventure and traveling. Right now, I’m planning on seeing other parts of the world. I just booked a flight going to Southeast Asia this summer.