tagged Obesity »

Article by BradBabendir
April 6, 2012

Missouri 11th fattest state, continues to fail to be number one in anything

This week, CBS News reported that *Missouri was the eleventh fattest state* (*Make this a hyperlink to the news story*) in the continental U.S., as well as the entire union. As expected, many state and federal law makers were upset with the unflattering distinction. The number 11 tag shows a continuing, frustrating trend within Missouri:... MORE »

Article by Kygrm22
February 1, 2012

Ramapo Cafeterias to put Laxatives in Food to Combat Obesity Epidemic

The obesity epidemic has taken our nation by storm. Millions of Americans have been affected by the greasy and fatty foods that are served around our country’s schools. As the problem continues to worsen, the U.S. government has been coming up with new creative ways to solve the problem. One of the newest most innovative... MORE »

Article by Leigh
October 14, 2011

Cornell Nutrition Professor Finds the Cure for Obesity

Professor Robert Johnson, a nationally acclaimed nutrition expert, has devoted his entire career to solving the obesity epidemic. “I have spent years traveling all over the country and the world trying to figure out why people in America are so goddamn fat.” After cross checking all of his references and eliminating all confounding variables, Johnson thinks he’s... MORE »