tagged expensive »

Article by Piliour
August 25, 2011

Student Literally Pays Arm and Leg for Textbook

Amir Rahman was not going to pay $327 for a book on cell biology. “First off, I wasn’t going to buy the book at all until I found out that we had a midterm on Wednesday,” says Rahman, a sophomore at Purdue University. “I figured I’d go into the bookstore, bring a pad and paper... MORE »

Article by eeeeeeeee2
March 8, 2011

Budget cuts force university students to devise get-rich-quick schemes

No Pell Grants, few scholarships, and limited loan activity. Campusbasement has already presented you with the 5 steps to getting financial aid but despite those steps, recent budget cuts are costing students their body parts to pay for school.  “I don’t know how I am going to pay for school anymore,” says USC junior Clyde... MORE »