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February 11, 2012

Saturday Fashion Statements of the Hung Over Student Body

Rise and shine my hung over comrades of WashU! It’s a new day and the world is beckoning. Time to forget about what you did last night (if you haven’t already) and move on to bigger and better things: Saturdays at the library. Ahh yes. This is the kind of school we go to. We... MORE »

January 21, 2012

So, Like, Whadya Do Over Winter Break?

Winter break is dreadfully boring. Eat. Sleep. Watch shitty TV. Rinse and repeat. In years past, I have considered doing something productive during the holidays. Internship apps. Crocheting. Learning Gaelic. Do I ever accomplish any of these projects? Hell no. This year, however, I took on the task of cleaning out my closet. It was... MORE »

December 10, 2011

Not Another Finals Article!

Suck it up readers. This is all I have on my mind. Sorry for being lame. So, my WashU comrades, it is that time of year again. Christmahanakwanzika, you ask? Of course not. Its finals season, baby! Refills on Adderrall prescriptions have been placed. Textbooks have been dusted off. Study rooms have been reserved. Time... MORE »

December 3, 2011

A Simple Guide to Facebook Relationship Statuses

Though February is still months away, cupid’s arrows reign down on the Danforth Campus, hitting students in the heart, resulting in genuine friendship or true love”¦ or more likely in the groin, resulting in drunken hook ups. Most naturally, the WashU student body feels the need to share these relationships with the World Wide Web.... MORE »

December 31, 1969

New Dieter vs. Salad Bar

Never too late to start a New Year’s resolution right? Either way, pounds need to be shed. It is time to go where no carb-addict has gone before- the Paws and Go salad bar. Gasps from an imaginary audience. Yes, I am on my way to becoming the next Victoria’s Secret angel, and marina sauce... MORE »

December 31, 1969

Funding Exposed: Tulip Mania is Our Fault.

Breaking news. After an upheaval from undergraduates regarding WashUâ??s superfluous spending, Chancellor Wrighton held a press conference to clarify where tuition money is going. Most of this chaos is surrounding the annual â??Tulip Maniaâ?. For all of the froshies that have yet to witness this phenomenon and think that gothic architecture and top tier education... MORE »