tagged wine »

Article by Shermysherm11
December 6, 2011

Top 6.5 ways to get people to go to Basketball Games

It’s just a known fact that people attend football games more than any other sport here. Hence volleyball, wrestling and other unattended sports are free to get into. I don’t know why, maybe it’s the 300 pound brawny men wearing spandex, could be the excessive amount of pre-gaming that occurs before the game starts or... MORE »

Article by apost
November 11, 2011

Things Cornell Does That Make No Sense: $4.5 Million To Study Grapes

Cornell Researchers recently received $4.5 million to study different grape varieties. Obviously this makes as much as sense as donating $3 million to create a library in the Statler. If this was Jeopardy both these expenditures would be under the category of “Things that make no sense” or even “Unnecessary allocations of funds” (but that’s not as... MORE »

Article by R$
September 11, 2011

Cornell Scientist Researches Positive Effects of Wine Tours

Wine Tours embarked upon by members of Cornell students can not only be enjoyable experiences, but they can also be healthy for the physical soul as recently evidenced by Cornell scientist, Gordon Bombay. The study by Bombay concluded that the effect of the grapes that were turned into the wine would produce effects that were... MORE »

Article by Leah Folta
June 10, 2011

College wine expertise: easier than regular wine expertise

You are not an expert. But that’s OK! Based on my research (glasses and glasses of research), neither are most college students, and if you don’t want to be the guy who’ll explain the difference between the 10 and 100 dollar bottle of wine, you don’t have to be. Tannins, shmannins! Am I right? Below... MORE »