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April 5, 2010
April 1, 2010

Presidents Day : Float Your Boat

Every parent dreads the day their child is old enough for this talk. Catch new comedy shorts from Float Your Boat every Tuesday and Thursday! Featured on CitrusTv. MORE »

March 30, 2010

Good News, You’re Fired : Float Your Boat

There is an air of imminent death in the conference room. Catch new comedy shorts from Float Your Boat every Tuesday and Thursday! Featured on CitrusTv. Starring: Chris Aubin, Joel Samataro, Alex Schmidt, Alex Carmedelle, Katie Sciandro, Courtney Tunney, Lauren Silverman, Annie Knox, John Kozak, Elliott Regan MORE »

March 30, 2010

Gran Torino : Float Your Boat

The story of a man with a fake gun. Catch new comedy shorts from Float Your Boat every Tuesday and Thursday! Featured on CitrusTv. Starring: MORE »