After last Friday’s 85-degree weather, it appears that Cornell University has used all of its spring maintenance funding on keeping the Lake Effects snow out of the forecast, not accounting for the shocking, yet annual, mid-April snow and sleet storm.
While on a campus tour this morning, a pre-frosh was overheard stating “well, it can only go uphill from here.” Apparently, this pre-frosh does not realize how serious we take the term “uphill” here at Cornell. Slope Day, a mere 15,866 minutes away, is concerning many students. Girls are contemplating just how cold it can get until they can’t brave the weather in tank tops and shorts. Guys are finding more clothing to smuggle more beverages onto the slope. Taio Cruz will be appropriately opening with his single “So Cold.” The Slope Day Programming Board has announced that activities will now include: sledding, snowman making, and hibernating. Don’t worry though; everyone 21+ will still receive a free hot chocolate if they present a valid ID.
Props to Marlena who wrote this article and is considering joining the task force….if you think Marlena should join the staff like and share this to all your friends =)