Finals week is coming up, and as we all know, it’s the most stressful time of the year.
Syracuse University usually comes out with a handful of lame-ass events to help relieve stress. (Wow, breakfast at NIGHT TIME. You really out-did yourselves this time)
Our neighbors across the North border at Dalhousie University’s got the right idea though. No stupid Casino Nights, no “DANCING ORANGE MASCOT” videos, plain and simple: a room full of puppies.
So what if I’m completely unprepared for my Aerodynamic Engineering final? No, I didn’t finish my under-water photography portfolio, and believe me, I’m as lost in AST101 as you are. It’s times like these that we need to bury our worries in a pile of tiny corgis.
It’s your move, SU. Are you going to watch mercilessly as we prepare for our finals without even a single square foot on campus as a designated puppy-zone?

If so, then to my fellow students, I say good luck.